Tales of Symphonia
Nintendo Gamecube - 2003
I picked this one up at another rental store sell. I had no idea what the Tales of series was, but this one had an anime cover, so that's what attracted me to it. Boy, was I in for a ride! This was the first video game I officially beat and it took me 8 months. It was so hard for me, and this was also my first encounter with a game walkthrough. The story of ToS is hands down one of my favorites, and to this day, Zelos Wilder is one of my favorite fictional characters!
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Playstation 4 - 2012
Once I got into college I wasn't really into video games anymore. Not that I wasn't into them, I just didn't get pleasure out of a lot of things anymore. However, after I met my husband, he made me play this game saying that he thought it would get me back into gaming... And he was right! I had never in my life seen or played a game like this before and I was amazed! I have now played it twice and still can't manage to do a low chaos run, but it doesn't matter, the game is so awesome. It's a shame that the development studio doesn't exist anymore.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Playstation 4 - 2011
I'd had friends in college that had mentioned Skyrim, but not being into games at the time, I didn't care to know what it was. My husband introduced me to this game as well, and to this day, I still haven't beaten the entire story line! I do have many, many hours in it though, and I'm on my third character. The first one I screwed up by not having alternate saves. I got stuck in a place where like 100 dragons glitched onto the map and insta-killed me every time. The second play through I lost interest in. And the third one was interrupted when BG3 came out, but I'll go back to it eventually... I do really love this game!
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Fallout 4
Playstation 4 - 2015
I had, admittedly, been shown Fallout 3 during college, and I had no idea what the hell I was looking at. I wasn't aware of the story, or the gameplay, and I didn't want to play it. But after getting back into games, when Fallout 4 was released I remembered Fallout 3 and said I wanted to play it. I was instantly hooked, and realized I had to play the other titles to really get a full appreciation of the series! I have since played around with New Vegas and 3, although I haven't beat either of them. But I have beat Fallout 4. I want to replay it again one day, since it takes place in one of my favorite places in real life ever, Boston! Plus I love that in the Nuka-World DLC you can be a raider. That is so much fun!
Far Cry 5
Playstation 4 - 2018
This game was announced when my husband and I were working in Montana, so of course we were intrigued. He had played both 3 and 4 previously, and I had only watched part of 4 and thought it was beautiful. My husband bought me Far Cry 5 on release day and I played it for hours! I was fully immersed back in Montana (I wasn't living there anymore at the time) and the game made me pretty emotional because of how much I missed that place. The villains are super freakin' cool, and the soundtrack is one of my favorites of all time. I haven't had the heart to play the game again, but I know I'll go back to it one day.
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Persona 5 Royal
[Original] Playstation 4 - 2016; [Royal] Playstation 4 - 2019
Since I'd tried playing Persona 3 FES back in high school and had no idea what I was doing or what was going on, and I never got the chance to play Persona 4 (until after I played P5), I didn't know if I wanted to play this game. I was talked into buying it by a coworker at the school I was teaching at in China who said based off my personality, he thought I'd like it. And boy... He was right! I got it one weekend after class and played it for literally 16 hours straight. I have never done that before in my life! I beat it very quickly, and then as soon as Royal came out, I bought that and played it too. Because I don't want the story to end, I have yet to play Strikers, Q2, or Tactica (although I own all three of them), but I will one day!
Jenny LeClue: DetectiveU
Nintendo Switch - 2020 [Originally 2019]
I bought this on some super big Switch sale for like $5. I didn't know what it was, but it looked cute. At first I wasn't really into it, but after the first like 30 minutes of gameplay, I was hooked...! I loved the art style, the voice acting was superb, the main character was a little brat but all the characters were compelling, and the story line is great! I hate that the ending is a cliff-hanger and we have yet to hear anything from Mografi about a sequel, so I really hope one gets made!
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Little Misfortune
Nintendo Switch - 2020 [Originally 2019]
I had seen maybe 5 minutes of gameplay of this from... Pewdipie maybe? I wasn't paying much attention, but I thought it looked funny so I said, "I'll buy that one day". It took a while, but I finally did in 2023 and played the game two times in a row in one day! That's how much I loved it! I even downloaded the soundtrack, I picked up on the funny lines that Misfortune says throughout the game and my husband and I quote them to each other now... I didn't expect to like this game so much, but really, I think it's a gem. I hope to see more from Killmonday Games in the future!
Baldur's Gate 3
Playstation 5 - 2023
Another game I bought on release day. I can't even remember what was going on when it came out. I think I was stressed from classes, or I was trying to play another game and just wasn't into it... So my husband said, "Just get BG3!" so I did and wow. While I love all the other games listed on this page, this game blew me away in ways I've never been blown away before. I just don't even know how to describe how amazing this game really is! I beat it within a few months (I do work full time and was in graduate school full time at the same time so it took me longer than most), and I promptly began a Durge run, but had to pause that. I'll go back to it soon though!
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The Sims 4
PC - 2014
Can I even say that The Sims 4 is a favorite of mine? It is the longest running Sims game between releases of the other prequels. I started with the original The Sims, went to The Sims 2, loved The Sims 3, but I have been playing The Sims 4 for 10 years now, and I don't see myself buying any future iterations since I've sank so much money into this one, so I guess I have to say that I like this one the best (even though we all know it has it's many flaws). I do like my virtual dolls though, and story telling with them, so I don't see myself giving this game up any time soon!