2024 Video Game Reviews

How We Know We're Alive ★★★☆☆
itch.io link here

I almost feel bad rating this one only 3 stars, as so many other people said it was a masterpiece. I get that the storytelling was done well, and the pixel art was very nice (that's where most of my "positive" rating comes from), but the story was just not for me. I found it a bit dull and slow, and I'm not one to get very emotional about things unless there has been a lot of character development to get me attached. Either way, still an enjoyable game! And it's interesting that there is such a thing as the Bible belt in Sweden! Even though the town of Härunga is fake. Who knew?

This Magical Girl Is A Bitch ★★★★☆
itch.io link here

Now, this game is so much fun! The art is cute and the voice acting is SO GOOD! I especially love Tabie's voice. She is a little bitch (as the title suggests), but at the same time she reminds me a bit of myself when I was her age. Very much in a victim mindset all the time and angry because of how paranoid I was at people being "out to get me". Either way, this game is still in development, so I haven't played the whole thing, as the whole thing isn't out yet. I can't wait until it is though! It's so fun!

You Stole My Heart ★★★★☆
itch.io link here

Alright, this one was also fun. Very cute and very short, thank goodness, because it takes a very intriguing and well-writen story to keep my attention anymore with visual novels. This was something you could play over and over again (each play-through is like 10 minutes) in order to get all the endings. I don't want to make any jokes, because it'll ruin the "true ending", but there is a meme referenced here! And a guest voice actor!!

Project Kat ★★★★☆
itch.io link here

Another very promising demo!! This one consists of cute little pixel girl (or girls depending on what decisions you make) exploring creepy locations and solving puzzles. I had to use my thinkin' cap for some of these (I'm not that great with puzzles), but I had a lot of fun! I can't wait until the actual full product - Project Lily - comes out!

Another Code Collection - Part 1: Trace Memory ★★★★☆
Genre: Puzzle, Mystery, Supernatural

I remember playing the original version of this game back when I was in middle school on my Nintendo DS. It was one of the first (and perhaps) only puzzle games that I ever beat! So, I had fond memories of it. When I found out they were remaking this, I was so excited! For my husband's birthday, he actually bought this so we could play it together. The upgraded graphics were really nice, and I feel like there were some additional story points. Either way, we had fun playing it together, and will play the sequel eventually!

Super Mario 64 ★★★☆☆
Genre: Adventure, Platform, Fighting

I SWEAR TO GOD... I have owned the original Nintendo 64 version of this game for like... well, as long as it has existed. So, in 2024, that's what? 28 years? I have played it since then, and as a kid the game scared me so bad (and I was so bad at it) I never got passed like 50-something stars. We started this together on my husband's birthday weekend too and just in that one weekend get 50 stars. During my birthday weekend we beat the game together. Oat fought Bowser for me, because I was about to throw the Switch controls through a window I was so frustrated. As it turns out, I don't like this game as much as my nostalgia told me I did. I actually never want to play this game again now that I've beaten it finally, for once in my life. I AM DONE. I AM FREE.

Another Code Collection - Part 2: R – A Journey into Lost Memories ★★★★☆
Genre: Puzzle, Mystery, Supernatural

This sequel was never originally released in the U.S. and it takes place 2 years after the plot of the first game. Ashley is older, but a bit more of a brat in this one. I suppose that's just because she's a teen and can't see things from an adult perspective. This one takes place at a vacation destination called Lake Juliet that just so happens to have a laboratory in it as well, which is where her dad is working for the summer. The new characters in the game were cool, but I feel like there wasn't enough closure with one of them in particular. I am pretty sure the characters of Ian (originally Mike) Tyler and Gina Barnes were based off the characters Chiba Atsuko "Paprika" and Kosaku Tokita from Paprika.

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