A New Year
Oh my gosh, I’m so tired. I’ve been sick for a while, so I’m fatigued. Thankfully, this month, we’ve had so many days off work from the snow, that I haven’t had to be at work as much as I normally would have. As of today, I have only worked 10 days out of this month, so woo hoo I guess?
The year has started, and I haven’t really begun doing anything to improve my life (such as working out or eating healthier), but I like to think of January as one of the worst months of the year. It’s when I’m the most depressed. So, it’s essentially an extension of the previous year.
I do plan on working out in February, I do plan on doing better on my diet then as well. Thankfully I have a walking pad coming at the end of this month, so I’ll be more active at work!
I haven’t touched this site in months though… I need to do better at that for sure! I need to update the rest of 2024’s stuff… and then start pages for 2025’s stuff (like movies and books). That’s going to be annoying to do, but I guess I’ll get started this weekend?
Also, I guess February will be when I stop spending money… That hasn’t really started yet, because Oat and I both bought some slightly athletic outfits, and we both bought new pairs of sneakers. I am so stoked for mine!
It’s the Alien: Romulus Reeboks! I don’t normally go for urban styled shoes like this, especially ones that are made to look dirty. But really, how could I say not to these? I love Aliens so much, and they are so cool! I’ve only worn them once, so I need to keep breaking them in. I’m excited to wear them with my new athletic outfit.

Oh! I’m very excited to announce that I am the best wife ever, and have bought my husband a wicked funny and awesome V-day gift.

Yes. That’s right. The Twilight Lego house. He has been whining non-stop about wanting this and I keep pretending that we’re “broke” and can’t afford it. I did buy it on my credit card (so by all technicalities we can’t afford it), but it’s been 6 or 7 years since I’ve bought him an expensive Lego set, so I had to get this one!
Funny enough, 2 days before he even showed it to me, I was standing in the Lego aisle in Target just staring at the sets, trying to figure out which one I should get him as a gift… I left, deciding that I’d casually pry some info out of him before V-day, since I still had like… 6 weeks, but then lo and behold, he came to me a few days later showing me the Twilight set!
I pre-ordered it a few days later, and then for about a week after, he was all pouty because he kept asking if he could buy it and I kept telling him no. I feel so mean denying him things, because normally I don’t (I’m kinda “yolo” with our money usually since I mean, what the hell else am I working for?), but in a way, telling him no and then watching him get all whiny like a kid is so funny to me. Does that make me sadistic? LOL
Anyways, V-day is still 3 weeks away, so I’ll have to keep it a secret until then. Hopefully when it gets delivered he doesn’t find it first! I am so excited to see his reaction when I give it to him. I’ll let you guys (my imaginary audience) know how it goes when it happens!
BUT yes, anyways, after this month is over… I’m back to saving money. My medical bills are almost all paid, and I do need to do better at my credit card bills (especially after I just put that Lego set on my own). But, with time, I’ll get there!
Since we want to spend most of our warmer months this year walking at the park and hiking, I think we’ll be able to save lots of money!