The current mood of mewmoonie at

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Looking at the Data

Do you ever think about the percentage of time you spend at work in a year? I’ve been thinking about that, because this has been a very busy year for me. So, I went back over my calendar and decided to do some calculations...

Days in a year 365
Days spent at work (w/o holiday days, sick days, etc.) 238
Days I had “events” or “extra work” to do 79
Days I had “other events” outside of work 75

65.21% of my year is spent at work
33.19% of my year at work is spent doing extra stuff
20.54% of my entire year was spent doing events

52 weekends in a year
23 weekends spent doing stuff
29 weekends I got to myself (but 32 weekends out of the entire year were spent still in school, so technically, if we take those out of the “weekends I got to myself” since I know I spent those doing schoolwork, I only had 17 weekends to myself for the entire year)

44.23% of my weekends were spent doing stuff
32.69% of my weekends were “free time”

Ew, I don’t like these figures. I really hope that 2025 is much more low-key for me. I’m too damn tired to keep going at this pace. And I know I’m only in my 30s, but like, I’m burning out super fast.


Rant of the Day

Why do Americans, who have never traveled outside of the 2-4 states that surround their own, think they get to have the say-so on all other cultures?

I’m just annoyed by it because I was listening to a YouTube video about someone “joining a cult” and in reality they just went somewhere in South America and joined some folks who practice like… spiritual healing (curanderismo) and such.

I guess, because I lived in Mexico, and when I was studying anthropology, I studied curanderismo and brujeria, I get it more? I mean, I’m not a Mexican, and I don’t do those practices in my everyday life, but I felt like I have a better understanding of them as cultural aspects, so I get that it’d be easier for me to understand that these practices are just “different” ways for people to do things in life than what we as westerners do…

But why is that so hard for other people to understand?

I know there are ignorant people all over the world, and ignorance comes in all ethnicities and races, but damn. Stop thinking you’re an expert on something because you read a book about it once, or you watched a documentary on it… Until you live it, or experience it IN REAL LIFE (not over the internet) I say your opinion doesn’t matter at all.

The end! Rant over!


Get It Together

I swear, I say this every got-dang year, but I have GOT TO GET IT TOGETHER!!

I think I say this at the end of every year - I always have these big plans to do better at working out, saving money by not shopping, playing my video games, reading more books… But this year I SWEAR…! I think I’ll be able to manage it.

I really do need to work on this site more too. I guess since my MBA program ended in August, which was a very busy time of the year for me at work, I just never recuperated completely from being miserable and tired enough to work on this project of mine.

But, once the holidays end, I know I’ll get more time. I really am planning to do better next year with all of the above - unless something magical appears to me that I just have to have, or I run out of something (like makeup), I’m not spending any extra money. I have a bathroom I need to renovate which’ll probably cost me like $8,000 *screams * and I have a lot of medical bills and credit cards to pay off.

This is the time of year, however, where my physical health swings back and forth like a pendulum, as does my mental health. The cold, dark months make me far more depressed, but also far more susceptible to intense mood swings. I’ve already started feeling sick (probably from going out in public to a Christmas parade the other weekend) and I nearly blew up over an incident at work (which wasn’t even that big of a deal).

So, I know that’s going to be my main focus along with saving money… Being healthier.

Also, maybe I should focus on working on this site more? How long will I keep it localized on my computer and not uploaded live to neocities? Who knows!

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