The current mood of mewmoonie at

see my neocities profile


01.25.25 I finally made my new site "live"! Go me!
old updates found here

click here to see the webrings / cliques I've joined


Working on completely changing my theme again. This is gonna take a while. This is all being done locally, so I have no idea when I'm going to post the new version of the site online...


I'm working on updating some stuff!! I'm putting this here for my own good, but I need to work on the layouts for these pages - about-#me, media-books, media-video games, media-music, media-tv, media-characters, fun (and whatever comes with that), graphics, and links. Hope it's going well for all of you! I'm glad to be back at it!


So, the big responsible thing I was doing was buying a house! That was a lot of work! But now that's all done and over. I'm still in graduate school for another 6 months though and work is going to be insane in January. But after that I should have some time to start working on this website again! I hope... Either way, hope you guys have been having a good end to 2023!


I have been SO damn busy lately, I haven't been able to finish this site. Work has been insane, graduate school is wearing me down, and I've got something in the works that I regard as a "very adult and responsible" step in my life (which is also taking up a lot of my time). Many pages on this site haven't been created yet, so be patient with me for the next few months while I get through this crap, so I can get back to doing what I love (aka - doing anything fun, like messing with this website!) Hopefully, I'll see y'all soon~


Oh my gosh it has been SO LONG since I've actually done real work on this site. I promise I'll be back on it soon. This year has thrown a lot of punches at me already and my work schedule has been stupid crazy, although some good things have happened too. For example, I got a new job lined up! Once I start it, I'll have a real schedule, and can do more stuff to this site. I'd like to change the layout maybe... We'll see. Hopefully, I'll see you guys soon!


Wow! Hello guys! It has been so long! A new year is upon us, and I have added some stuff to some of the pages and updated things like the books, movies, and video games. I added a "Shrines" page, since I had already made some but never linked to them. I probably won't be doing much right after 2023 arrives (I'll be ultra busy with work), so this serves as my New Years greeting!


I haven't been keeping up with this page as well as I should! I've updated a handful of pages here and there (can't remember everything I've done, because it's been a lot). In my personal life I've been super busy! My allergies are killing me, but I'm so excited for Halloween and my anniversary trip! Aaa! Work is going well. It's cooling off (temperature-wise). Life is good.


The last day of August! I am wiped out from the busy season at work. I have updated some of the character pages (like my original characters & the characters that are like me), and the video games page.


I think I officially uploaded this new layout on August 6 (I forgot), but here it is! I added some more books to the reviews, as well as updated the books page and movies page.


Still hot. Still dying. Work has been so busy because I've been running a whole department on my own. My mom and sister come for a visit this weekend starting tomorrow, I'm really excited for that!


It is so freakin' hot today, I think I may just die. I don't know if that's the reason the week is going by so slowly, or if it's because I'm getting really busy at work (but it's just making phone calls all day long). Either way, tomorrow is Friday-Eve, which means pay day is soon! Thank goodness!


Today I added the Books of 2022 page and put up the reviews for the (very few) books I've read this year. I've also added more blinkies, stamps, and buttons to those pages.

site content unless otherwise stated © Moonie & base code © repth