C'mon, Lisa. We’re watchin' the TV

The Simpsons
December 17, 1989 - ??

While I haven't watched the majority of the seasons past like... season 20, I can still say that this is one of my favorite TV series of all time! My husband and I quote it to each other all the time. I grew up watching it, and I had all sorts of merchandise when I was a little kid. My husband does own seasons 1-11 on DVD, as for any of the others, we usually watch them online.

The Tenth Kingdom
February 27, 2000 - March 6, 2000

I have a hard time not calling this a movie since I usually sit and watch it all in one go. It was a mini-series that aired on NBC when I was younger and after watching it once I was in love!. Virginia, the main girl, reminded me of myself, and Wolf was everything I wanted in a future husband! Thankfully, my husband is a lot like Wolf, and he even got me an engagement ring that looks JUST like the singing ring!

Avatar: The Last Airbender
February 21, 2005 – July 19, 2008

Admittedly, I didn't watch this when it first aired, because I didn't have cable TV. I watched it for the first time in college, which was after it had ended. But I completely fell in love with it! I think this has got to be the best children's (or family-friendly) TV show out there. I can't say I care as much about the sequel, even though I did like some of the characters from it.

September 20, 2008 – December 24, 2012

I was obsessed with this show during its entire run. I identified with Merlin so much, and I wanted a boyfriend / husband like Arthur so much!! It was crazy! While I said previously my husband is a lot like Wolf, he looks a lot like Arthur, and even lived on a road named Avalon when we met, so I figured it was fate. This season finale had me crying harder than the Digimon season 1 finale did!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
April 5, 2009 – July 4, 2010

Most people I know still preferred the original, but since it didn't follow the manga, I didn't really care for it (plus, how it crossed over with the real world - that really irked me). This however, is like, my soul anime. I love it so much! I think everyone should be forced to watch it!

December 1, 2017 – June 27, 2020

I would probably say that regarding normal TV series (and not counting mini-series, because The Tenth Kingdom would win) this is my favorite TV show period. I think the writing is just outright amazing, and it actually has a planned out, not rushed, true to god ending, and I really appreciate that in the TV world (because some series keep going on for way too long The Simpsons).

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