The current mood of mewmoonie at

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Just Gettin' By

In honor of the Dolly Parton donuts I finally got to try at Krispty Kreme, I named this post "Just Gettin' By", referencing a line in Dolly's 1980 hit "Workin' 9 to 5".

I have felt rather beat since getting back from that workshop. While I did make friends, and it was pretty fun, we were surrounded by people for 12 hours a day, and I still had homework on top of all that. I drove 4 hours to get home Friday, and I've been tired since then...!

To make matters worse, today at work a student set off my PTSD and I got really upset. I don't think what I dealt with today will be the end of my problems... I just hate being emotional, and even worse, I don't want to tell my husband about what happened because I don't want him to worry about me.

I guess I'll just suffer in silence and post about Dolly Parton donuts... (.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)

Dolly Dazzler: The strawberry flavored donut with Dolly's signature butterfly made out of chocolate! I am not a fan of artificial strawberry flavoring, so this one was just okay, but I did like that it was pink and glittery.

Chocolate Cream Pie: Honestly, I thought this was Oreo flavored, but chocolate cream pie I guess makes more sense? Actually a MOONPIE flavor would have been more apt for someone from Tennessee, but whatever! The white icing on this one tasted the best, because it was marshmallow-y.

Banana Puddin' Pie: Awww yiss, I was excited for this one. BUT I was sad because mine didn't have the cookies on the top of it? The filling (banana puddin' of course) was really yummy.

Peachy Keen Cobbler: But, surprisingly this was my favorite flavor out of the bunch! I usually don't care about cooked fruit, or fruit flavored donuts, or cobbler for that matter, but this was so good!!

Anyways, I'm tired. I think a lot of my stress, depression, and getting-triggered-so-easily comes from the fact that I am mentally DONE with school. Not work school, but my MBA program. Thankfully I have 2 weeks left in my Capstone, and then ONE MORE CLASS (which better not be hard). I'm just so, so drained. Hopefully soon I will feel better...

I HAVE added comments to each of my posts, by the way, I have no idea how Cactus Comments work... But we're tryin' em out, okay? For now, I'm gonna leave, but you should leave me a holler! See ya~


Work Trip Workshop

I don't have a lot to say right now other than the fact that I drove HOURS today to get to South Carolina for a workshop for work. I'm staying in a dorm on a college campus, so I'm away from Oat (my husband), and my pets, and my stuff for a whole week.

It feels so weird.

Today was the first "welcome day" though, so we didn't have any talks / events until 4:30, then we had dinner at 6:00, and then I laid down at 8:00. I'm tired!

I was stressed out on my drive here because a few days ago my MIL told Oat that she was going to buy both his and my graduation photos as our graduation gift... Supposedly last night was the last night to buy the photos, and she didn't get back to Oat and tell him she didn't buy mine until today.

I KNOW she did that on purpose. I can't stand her. She's done shit like that to me more than once!! For example, when her dumbass daughter (my SIL) was getting married, I was forced to be in the wedding party. I had no money, and my SIL wanted all of us to go get our nails done. MIL offered to pay for all of us, took us all to the salon, and on purpose didn't pay for me. I was left with the bill, feeling awkward, because I was literally the only one she didn't pay for. My husband was LIVID!

As he was today of course. He'd called me while I was driving and was cussing and grumbling about it. He ended up getting ahold of the photo people and was able to buy mine. Getting the photos wasn't necesarily the point though, the point was, she'd promised to buy both of ours and didn't. What a bitch.

Anyways, we're supposed to go down to their house on June 15th to celebrate father's day... A holiday I don't celebrate at all because my dad was a druggie, thief, pedo, POS. I was going to go just to be nice to my FIL because he tries to be nice to Oat and I... But now I kinda don't even want to show up just to be a bitch. I don't know if I will. Oat might make me because it's for his dad and not his mom... But we'll see.

Hearing Oat so upset over the phone about the photos, and just thinking about how literally nobody other than him has ever cared about me, my accomplishments, and anything I've ever done, it made me really depressed. So I don't really want to be surrounded by a family who doesn't even like their own son, let alone his wife... And I don't want to be reminded of a parent that most assuredly never cared about me or loved me (the way a dad should).

Whatever. I'm supposed to be enjoying my time at this workshop, not complaining about 30+ years of neglect and being "forgotten" and pushed to the side because cruel people just like seeing me squirm.

I guess I should be happy that at dinner tonight some guy from a community college in Alabama came and sat with me and we talked during the whole dinner! He was nice! Maybe I'll meet some more cool people while I'm here.

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