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Yard Sard

This past weekend we went back to my hometown to have a Yard Sale with my mom. We also ended up going to a Flea Market to sell too, but we didn't get too much business there. I ended up making all of $32! But I guess it was better than $0...

I actually like going to my hometown. It's a lot more "yuppie" than it used to be when I was living there, but to be honest, it's much nicer. When I grew up there the unemployment rate was super high, businesses were all shut down, and it kept showing up on lists of "most depressing towns" on the internet and in newspapers. My husband was very amused the town still had a Family Video building. It's not a video rental store anymore (unfortunately), but it's a nice little piece of nostalgia!


Our yard is blooming! Some of the spring plants have already bloomed and now turned green, but there are other things blooming now. As much as I like nature and plants, I'm also ready to have some of these plants gone... Honestly, the old woman who used to live at our house planted all sorts of random (stupid and invasive) crap in this most random places! I'm already having to pay a tree removal company to take away some invasive trees from our yard, and it looks like I'll have to pay a landscaper to remove some of the other plants too... What a pain!

I'm going for now...! I have a lot of crap planned for the next few weeks, so I'll be busy, but hopefully I'll have time to update here! Bye~


Conference in Cville

So last weekend we left for my very first work conference! It was actually a state association I'm a member of, so it was less of something specifically for the campus I work at and more specifically for the type of work that I do. Either way, it was so fun!

We headed off to Cville one day early and visited Monticello. I don't know how much of what I learned about Thomas Jefferson was real or not, but he seems like an interesting person. And I'm not saying that in a good or bad way... He was just interesting.

His manner of decorating was pretty nice though!


The grounds weren't as big as what I'd expected though, so we got done pretty early and ended up going downtown. I went ahead and parked at the hotel we were having the conference at (where we were also staying) and we went to QNoodle and Kung Fu Tea.

The food at QNoodle was SO GOOD. We got spicy xiao long bao (soup dumplings), jiaozi (dumplings), and we got some egg rolls too. I loved the flavor of the chili oil there, I would love to come back here one day!

Oat had been wanting one of these Princess Peach drinks ever since he saw an ad for them. We don't really live anywhere near a Kung Fu Tea. As it turns out this was the third closest to us (still 80~something miles away), and we normally don't drink a lot of sugary stuff, so this was a fun experience! And we even got little crown shaped straw caps too!

So, the actual conference I won't really talk about since I don't want to talk about my job much... But it was enjoyable! We got a lot of nice food (Oat and I went out to eat when we could as well).


I learned a lot, met lots of new people, but wish I'd been able to network a bit more. I was a member of a committee and some of the members remembered me from the meetings while others were like, "Do I know you?" when I introduced myself ( ¬▂¬) I'm going to have to network more next year since the next year my boss wants me to run for a position in leadership...! If nobody knows who I am, how am I supposed to get votes?!

I met another girl (I guess I should say woman since we're in our 30s) at the conference who was using a Hobonichi and I got all excited and we talked about journaling. Two separate conversations I had (one with her, and another with Oat) convinced me to basically get back into it again to at least help me with all the CRAP I have to do for work. My schedule has been insane this year and I feel like it's going to get more busy as I get more involved in the "professional" world.

Anyways, working girl out. I have to go do presentations at 4 DIFFERENT HIGH SCHOOLS this upcoming week (they're trying to kill me). Ciao!


Black Hole Sun

Yesterday was the eclipse! There was a big event on campus where we had all sorts of things going on. I was able to step out of work and check some things, but it was so cloudy, we couldn't see much. I'm really glad Oat (my husband) was able to take some good photos (also while protecting his camera lense)!

Normally I'd be posting blog posts on my Wordpress site - Bad Luck Squad, but honestly, I think running that has been too annoying. I was trying to do all of my "featured images" from poses of my Sim-self, but I barely play The Sims anymore. Do I want to? YES. I just don't have time with full time work, graduate school, and my social life. And Wordpress isn't very customizable? I hate widget web-builders. Is that what you'd call that where templates are chosen for you and you can't really do things with code? I don't know, I just hate it.

Anyways, I think this will be more fun, and it will give me an excuse to actually get on Neocities a lot more. It'll also be easier for me to add blog posts and edit this from work too (ᵔ́∀ᵔ̀) So, I do believe I am going to switch over to here from now on!

I had my "weird tooth" removed just the other day. By "weird tooth" I mean it was never growing out of my gums until I reached my thirties! When I was a teen it was like a ball of enamel that was just up in my gum. Thankfully it came out, because it was growing out of my gum behind my teeth and was crooked and pressed up against my other teeth. So painful! I got to keep it too, and then I also got a haircut! I have to be prepared for the conference I have coming up.

I don't have much else to talk about for now, so I'll be going!

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