HELPMEET [Naben Ruthnum]
Genres: historical fiction, body horror, supernatural

What a weird-ass book. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but it wasn't this... I really don't even know what this was. I did enjoy reading it though. The body horror was pretty grotesque, but not in a really morbidly horrific sort of way. Like this isn't a splatterpunk book, so the author was rather subtle. Anyways, it was an interesting story, but I didn't understand the ending, what the thing was (I won't go into more detail than that). So, I guess that's my only complaint, I wish I knew more!

I WHO HAVE NEVER KNOWN MEN [Jacqueline Harpman]
Genres: dystopia, feminism, character study

I really, really liked this one! I didn't expect to when I first started it, and I also had no idea that this book was so old. I mean, it's younger than I am, but still... Now that it's been about 5 months since I've read it, I can definitely say that this book has wormed its way into my brain. I find myself thinking about it sometimes. It also didn't reveal too much in the end, like "Helpmeet", but in this case it was alright. The mystery just added to the mystique of this novel.

THE TROOP [Nick Cutter]
Genres: science fiction, body horror

Oh my gosh! I loved this book! Another thing that WORMED its way into my brain. I shouldn't say that, but honestly, if you've read the book, you get the joke... This is another body horror, but less unrealistic than "Helpmeet". I could actually see this happening. I liked that the author included random news stories, advertisements, and medical statements between the story chapters. It helped it seem more real. For some reason I felt like I was reading Jurrasic Park if it were about parasites. The boys (the characters were all scouts) were all intriguing as well!

MAEVE FLY [C.J. Leede]
Genres: contemporary fiction, horror

I expected so much more from this book. I read that it was like "American Psycho" but the female version, and now that I've read it I can see what they meant. I mean, Patrick Bateman was both arrogant and fucking stupid. Highly annoying. But somehow he was still entertaining and funny. Maeve was not as entertaining as Patrick. She was just kind of pathetic and annoying. A California girl obsessed with Halloween and Disney... And she's cooler and so much more different than oThEr GiRlS because she has SEX with Johnny Depp... *sigh* I don't know if the author intended for her to be so annoying, but she was. And somehow I still found myself rooting for her to have a happy ending and she couldn't even do that right either!

HOLLOW COIN [S.T. Cartledge]
Genres: science fiction, mystery

I don't honestly know what this was, but I really enjoyed it, whatever it was. I know that's not saying much, but I have a hard time describing this book... It's surreal and in my head played out like a very brightly colored, European indie film (something like Bigbug or Delicatessen). Anwyays, it was enjoyable! I wish there was more!

PENPAL [Dathan Auerbach]
Genres: horror, thriller, mystery

Admittedly, I half-read this one, half-listened to this one via CreepCast on YouTube, so I don't know if this really counts as a book I read, but... Technically I did? Either way, I got the story, and wow for a creepy pasta, I was so spooked by it! In a good way! The twist and ending left my jaw hanging open! I mean... This wasn't about anything supernatural, so there's a chance that something like this could happen in real life. Totally fucked up, and a super short story!

Genres: horror, coming of age, supernatural

Since I was on a roll with creepy pastas, I decided to check this one out after reading suggestions on Reddit. This was actually pretty eerie and captivating. It was supernatural, so not very realistic, but the "coming of age" portion was, and made me both like and dislike the main character at the same time. It wasn't as good as Penpal (or Borrasca, which I read later on), but it was still enjoyable!

Genres: crime, thriller, mystery

I don't even know why I got into this book or why I read it. I picked it up, starting reading about this "Strange Sally Diamond" and I couldn't put it down. She's clearly got some form of autism or just extreme trauma due to her history, and that part was a wild ride!! It's like reading a true crime story in fictional book form. I kept thinking the story was going to go in different directions than it did though, and the ending was chilling... but I did like Sally.

BORRASCA [C.K. Walker]
Genres: horror, social commentary, drama

Coming soon!

THE LEFT RIGHT GAME [Jack Anderson Northman]
Genres: supernatural, mystery, horror

Coming soon!

SOURCANDY [Kealan Patrick Burke]
Genres: supernatural, horror

Coming soon!

DRENCROM [Hamelin Bird]
Genres: supernatural, drugs

Coming soon!