
Color: Teal, Pink, Orange, Black

Food: Authentic Mexican, Chinese, & Japanese - chilis rellenos, malatang, xiaolongbao, chuan, roujiamou, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, onigiri

Fruit: Papaya, fig, avocado

Season: Autumn

Drink: Coffee (iced or hot), oolong tea (unsweet!!), water

Fashion: Gyaru, mostly onee-gyaru since I'm a working professional adult , mori-kei, goth, business casual

Creatures: Lemurs, cats, goats, moths, snails, manta rays, some bugs/insects (like beetles or cicadas)

Random Stuff: Muppets (like Sesame Street - Big Bird and Miss Piggy are my two favorites, but I also love Kermit, Rolf, Statler and Waldorf, & Oscar the Grouch), Moomin, The Simpsons, journaling, the holy trifecta of cooking, baking & eating, thrift shopping, falling asleep in the sunlight (like a cat), and messing around on stupid websites like this!


Color: Most shades of yellow and purple

Food: Americanized Japanese, I also really hate spaghetti and Subway

Fruit: Melons (I don't necessarily hate them, I just don't prefer them)

Season: Summer

Drink: Sweet teas, overly sugary & cream-filled coffee, frappuccinos... (mostly sweet things)

Fashion: Sweatpants or PJs out in public, emo & scene (is that even still a thing?)

Random Stuff: Customer service jobs, people whose social skills make them painful to deal with (for example ) my in-laws ugh!, folding laundry, people who let their dogs eat after them or lick their face, being interrupted while I'm in the middle of something, and people saying my full name (gives me PTSD from all the times I got in trouble as a kid)